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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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POSTED ON Aug 7, 2020 18:51:47 GMT
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This was one of the easier jobs Oscar had lately. As he exited the house he just wrecked, a bag stuffed with goodies hanging on his back, he couldn't help but feel accomplished. It was a clean heist, in and out with no problem. It went so well, that he allowed himself to boast as he walked away, "This is exactly why people need to lock their doors. Who knows what kinds of shady figures could be lurking about." 

This little Mid Summer festival taking place in Oldale was more profitable than Oscar imagined. With all these gullible fools off enjoying the festival, Oscar was able to score a cornucopia of valuables and heirlooms that shall fetch him a fine price on the black market. His only challenge was getting out of town, he'd have to go through the festival itself. He wasn't worried though, his bag was sealed and if he acted like he belonged no one would pay any attention to him.

And so he strode right up to the event grounds, paying no attention to the hustle and bustle of the festivities. To be honest, it all looked like a lot of fun. Once he dropped off his loot he should come back to grab a churro or something. He strode forward with confidence, knowing full well no one would bother to stop him.

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POSTED ON Aug 8, 2020 19:51:15 GMT
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This festival was insane, perhaps some of the best mixture of culture and fun! Back home they had their own holidays and their own festivals, parades and things, but it was very...white bread. Billi needed these times of things reported on! What was this festival for?! What kind of people came here, what was the magical allure of the midsummer festival?! Billi didn’t know but his Yamper and Rotom were ready for a night out on the job...or day? Well day turned to nights so who knew when Billi was out and about searching for something fun to jot down, and write an engaging post to bring people into Pokemon Insider.

Fishing through the festival of people with two pokemon that were so sensitive to stimulation, and himself feeling the same way was almost impossible. There were brightly colored fish on sticks, and other wild treats that he’d never come to understand. But everyone he talked to were vendors, and always wanted to have a bright smile, and were perfect for pictures and posts. Heck being a nice guy generally got you a free snack! On top of all that, even his cute pokemon got lots of attention, all the pets for the goodest boi! Aspear was so happy and just spun in a circle chasing his tail half of the time.

Then he saw it! The perfect person to approach like a sasquatch. A depressed looking, emo looking dude with a nack for liking black and grey sprinks on his black charcoal cupcake with BLACK frosting kind of guy. The kind of guy that scream “yeah the world is ending and life is waiting for death,” person. Billi couldn’t possibly let that person slide through his shrek fingers. “Hey sir, I’m Billi, this is Aspear and Rowap,” his Rotomphone and Yamper barked. “What do you like about this festival cuz like I like all of it.” he grinned, “Is this an every year thing?” words came out of his mouth like a game of snakes and ladders.

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POSTED ON Aug 9, 2020 18:00:45 GMT
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So there he was! Minding his own business and about to make off with a bulging bag of loot. Oscar's mind was entirely focused on his impending massive payday, so when a wall of muscle suddenly appeared before him he would end up bumping into it. Oscar staggered back as his eyes and mind adjusted to the sight before him: a beady eyed blond guy built like a truck.

Oscar twitched as this Adonis questioned him, distracted by the man's pecs of steel. Oscar shook out of his trance as he began to a realization, this random stranger had paused his escape to ask random questions. He had to get out of here now, screw this guy and his amazing muscles. He couldn't be rude though, lest this man persist and follow him. He paused as he tried to process what the beefcake asked, Oscar had heard him he was just hyper-focused on his abs.

Right, his name was Bilbo and his pokemon were called um--whatever. Oscar furrowed his brows and finally responded, "I uh, like the colors. I guess. As far as I know it only happens in the middle of Summer. It's the Midsummer festival." There, he answered his questions. Now he can surely leave. Oscar began to side-step the man, surely they would have no further interactions.

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POSTED ON Aug 12, 2020 1:08:11 GMT
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Truely a bimbo, blonde handsome, blue eyes, truly...more of a himbo, but that's besides the point. He never thought of himself that way, but this man was just something else and Billi couldn’t pick up on the slightest signal from the other not being interested. Then again, Billi just wanted amazing people to agree with his point of view so he could bring glory to Hoenn. Once Billi filled up his chest with air, he made eye contact, but noticed it wasn’t met with what he wanted.

“My eyes are up here bro,” he chuckled before turning to see the bag and smiled brighter, “COOL is all that stuff why you got so much at the festival?” he asked concerned and confused. Anyone with such an absurdly sized bag with what appeared to be ragtag bundle of items. “It’s super rad! So much stuff I haven’t seen before it’s CRAZY. So like are you not from here?” he asked as the rotomphone zipped around snapping pictures of the activities.

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POSTED ON Aug 14, 2020 18:17:23 GMT
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Oscar's eyes narrowed as the man went on, not intent on letting him pass. Oh no. This wasn't good at all. OH NO! He's asking about the bag! Oh shit oh fuck his rotom was taking pictures! This turned from mild obstacle to huge hurdle in zero seconds flat.

Oscar maintained his composure, he could still get away from this. He just needed to play along. His demeanor became lighter, perhaps not more friendly but certainly approachable. "I actually was born here, love this festival every year it comes around. I live in Pacifilog now though, only came downf or the festivities. How about I show you around?"

Oscar had no fucking idea what he was doing, but if he kept this snoop's attention long enough to give him a satisfying story maybe he'd piss off eventually. Or better yet, maybe Oscar could lose him in the crowd.

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POSTED ON Aug 16, 2020 0:40:39 GMT
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Billi is so dumb he fell for every word that escaped the mans lips. “Oh really?! That’s soo cool!” he paused and thought to himself as his eyes slowly blinked. “you changed what you said earlier! But that’s okay!” he mused and gave a big thumbs up. Rowap quickly flew around like a mad pokemon, using it’s flash function to take stunning pictures. “Oh you’ll show me AROUND! Bro that’s soooo cool,” hands clapped as his arms hooked the mans.

“Where to first! Did you want help carrying your bag? I have massive arms! I can lift it for you” he was a gent after all. No hunky himbo would turn down the chance to be a kind man to help carry a Santa Claus bag. Hands reached to hold the bag.

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POSTED ON Aug 20, 2020 2:39:26 GMT
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Oscar's face nearly cracked when the stranger pointed out his contradiction. Yet he didn't hold it over him, which troubled Oscar greatly. This man was either a genius mentalist playing a long game, or a complete fool. Oscar hoped for the latter, but it was best to stay cautious. 

He moved on as the stranger did, who was rather eager to be given a grand tour. Oscar chuckled at his enthusiasm, even if he was secretly terrified he could find humor in the man's gusto. When the man offered to carry Oscar's things, he nodded. "Thanks, it's been killing my shoulders." He handed the bag over, "Careful, some of that stuff is delicate. I bought it all over here come on."

Oscar's strategy for now was not to resist the man's requests. The more he complied, the happier the man shall be. The happier the man was, the more distracted he would be from Oscar's shadiness. As Oscar lead--ok what was his name Bob? Bugsy? Billi! As he lead Billi to the flea market toward the center of the festival, Oscar introduced himself. 

"Name's Oscar by the way. Where are you from Billi?"

Yes keep him talking, keep his mind occupied. And feign interest too, you don't want to make him feel bad. They reached the market by the time Billi finished, and Oscar gestured outward, "Behold, the quaint creations of a small town!" Rows of stands stood before them, with all sorts of vendors advertising a cornucopia of folksy bullshit. It all looked dumb to Oscar, but maybe Billi would get a kick out of it.

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POSTED ON Aug 24, 2020 2:51:28 GMT
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“Yeah man I’ll be careful! You’re pretty tiny so I’m sure your shoulders really hurt!” Billi stated with a kind pure smile that exited his lips. The sac weighed down his shoulders, with the very delicate things in it, which he could only assume were glass items or electronics. Each step made the items jingle and jangle like santa clause through the night. He didn’t think anything was wrong with the stranger, maybe it was ignorant foreigner bliss, but he also liked to believe the best in people.

“I’m from Galar!” he cheered with excitement! “It’s a very far place from here! It’s super fun and cute region. Lots of culture there but this is very different! That’s why I’m asking so much! To teach people there about Hoenn!” words flew out of his mouth without a second breath. Each word was filled with joy and respect for his home, and even more when speaking of Hoenn.

As they entered the market, Billi found his soul pounding against his mortal confines as it held on to keep him alive. “Oh my god! There’s so much stuff! It’s soo much different from the markets at home,” he looked at all the oriental, and asian styles booths that he’s rarely seen. “Everything here is so rich!” he looked more at everything, “Is this what you’re bag is filled with?” he asked, “Where should I buy something! Oh...uhhh there’s so much, is there treats here?” he asked more.

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POSTED ON Aug 30, 2020 18:44:53 GMT
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Oscar found Billi's enthusiasm to be both endearing and off-putting. As a certified 'stick in the mud', Oscar had trouble showing enthusiasm for this kind of stuff. However, he was able to play off Billi's energy to fake it. He chuckled at the man's barrage of questions, taking it as a beat to think up answers. "Oh yeah, I did all my shopping already. There's some cool stuff you can get around here, though I'd recommend sticking to the homemade oddities. Can't find that kind of stuff anywhere else."

Half the market consisted of old folks selling custom doodads and trinkets, none of which actually ignited even an ember of interest from Oscar. However if Billi wanted to shop, he'd have so many options to wade through that he would surely get tired out and end up wanting to leave. Thus allowing Oscar to escape with his prizes with nary a raised suspicion. 

However that was never a sure bet, so perhaps a full belly would help. Luckily Billi mentioned treats in his rapid fire questioning, the only problem being that Oscar had no idea where to find them. He could smell cooking though, so perhaps it was nearby. Oscar scratched his head, "If it's food you want, all we gotta do is follow the smell. I say we grab something to eat and then look around these stands, sound good to you?

Oscar would have simply lead them to the food, but he wasn't sure what Billi was most excited for. The man was extraordinarily hard to read in this regard, his base level just seemed to be immense all consuming jubilation. And so Oscar kept the options open, either one lending to his master plan of tiring this bizarre nuisance.  

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POSTED ON Sept 3, 2020 23:26:08 GMT
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Damn the blonde was dumb! He couldn’t tell that this stranger had little to no interest in him, but Billi was more focused on the experience of this festival. With all the vivid inviting scents, the bright colors of vendors trying to attract his attention, and someone will listen to him ramble. It was heaven. He had money in his pocket ready to go, ready to have fun! “homemade stuff is really kinda cool! I can’t make anything cuz I got shrek fingers. And now shrek is not love and no shrek is not life” he laughed more.

The scent wafted over towards him like a pirate catching an island in the distance. “Well! Let’s follow the smell for the food” he grinned grabbed the mans hand, awkwardly and platonically holding it as he marched towards the smell. “Hmmm is it this way...nooo that way” he tugged the stranger along. “Oh look it’s over there! There’s like ooohhh it’s fish or something? You like fish right?! Lets try it!” he grinned and laughed.

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POSTED ON Sept 5, 2020 23:13:24 GMT
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"Haha--right!" Oscar kept up his smile but his eyes read confusion as he tried to process what Billi said. Shrek fingers? What the fuck was a shrek? Maybe it was a Galarian thing, fucking Galarians were all freaks (with the exception of dear , who Oscar thought to be a paragon of sanity and grace (no he did not just think that because Rem was his boss and could crush him without thinking twice)). 

Billi mentioned following the smell of food and Oscar beamed, his plan was all falling into place. He cackled internally, feeling very maniacal in the current moment. Yet his internal celebration was cut short as Billi grabbed his hand. Oscar gasped in surprise, his cheeks blushing bright red as Billi's manly grip pulled him forward. To be lead on a frivolous quest by a giddy muscular man was rather--inciting to Oscar. He stifled a genuine smile. He had to use all his fury to suppress his surge of enjoyment, he had to focus on escaping.

The food court was massive, containing every variety of food Hoenn had to offer. Mostly seafood, there's a lot of water in Hoenn. Billi seemed to be in the mood for fish, so Oscar allowed him to take the lead on where they ate. Recovering from his earlier exhilaration, Oscar examined the menu carefully. He wasn't a huge fan of fish, but nevertheless he ordered some baked Feebass.

It came out looking absolutely delicious--to anyone but Oscar. They had picked a nice spot toward the end of the court to sit, and as Oscar looked down at a whole fish cooked to perfection he appeared to be taken aback. Could they not have like, cut it up or something? At skin it? Oscar gingerly took a bite and scowled. Damn thing was delicious, curse them. Oscar looked to Billi to see how he was enjoying his food, silently hopeful the jolly fool would soon be too full to go on.

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POSTED ON Sept 9, 2020 2:46:12 GMT
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Billi watched as the world around him was spun in a forign kind of joy. Foods that circled him like dizzy tweeties haunted his nostrils. Scents making his stomach grumble and howl in hunger. Luckily this some kind of smoked Feebas experimental deconstructed fancy food with a sweet sauce made his eye glisten with starvation. He took a quick bite and was escorted to sit down somewhere by a tree to eat.

The stranger was awkwardly quiet, and didn’t seem to thoroughly enjoy the seafood. Maybe Billi had made him buy something or made him feel like he had to eat it all. “Hey you didn’t have to get it if you didn’t like it you know!” the cheerful glistening energy came from him like a morning sun. “I can get you something else if you’d rather something else,” he asked, offering to buy him something else, “I’m guessing you’re a picky eater! It’s okay you can feed it to my Yamper if you don’t want it.”

Blue eyes wandered the man, finally scanning and taking in his appearance for once. “Wow I haven’t really met anyone with white hair before! I’m the lightest hair I know! Is your hair natural or something?” he reached up running his hand through it. “You must take care of it too cuz you aint going bald hahahaa”

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POSTED ON Sept 18, 2020 16:51:03 GMT
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Billi had interpreted Oscar's looks of discomfort as a negative reaction to the rood, rather than a reaction to something that looked unappealing tasting delicious. Rightfully so, how would he be able to tell otherwise. The bulky broad mentioned he could buy Oscar something new, and that his yamper would love to eat the fish. As if on cue, said yamper wobbled up to Oscar. It placed a paw on his boot, shaking his nubby tail with excitement.

Oscar narrowed his eyes at the pooch, pulling his playe closer to himself as he responded. "No no it's great, I'm just a presentation snob." Oscar turned his gaze back to Billi, "Dessert sounds grand though, perhaps you can buy me a funnel vake before we hit the shops." Oscar was still eager to escape this whole experience, but if the man offered him free food he wasn't gonna just turn it down.

Oscar closed his eyes as he resumed eating, not wishing to look at his ugly dish as he cut into it. He half paid attention to Billi musing sbout his hair, feigning interest like he has been. But then Billi touched him, and Oscar's eyes shot open. He tensed up as Billi gently ran his fingers through Oscar's hair. His skin turned a deep red, and his eyes began to twitch. This mother fucker had the nerve to touch Oscar's hair!? Just out of nowhere, without permission!? And Oscar liked it!? Oscar smiled, a betrayal of his true feelings of confused tage that could clearly be seen in his widening eyes. "It's--natural." 

He gently lifted Billi's hand off his head, his face returning to normal as he rapidly calmed down. "I say a funnel cake is in order." Oscar put his plate on the ground for the yamper and got up. He avoided eye contact with Billi, a bit of blush lingering on Oscar's cheeks as the funnel cake was retrieved. He felt so humiliated, this loot better be worth it.

The sweets made Oscar feel much better, and as they headed for the market je gestured broadly toward the stands, "Alrighty you get first pick. Where to?" Soon this bloak would be too tired to bother Oscar, and he would be free to go. Though, perhaps it shall be after a few stands. Yes, it was best to see as many as possible with him--t-to tire him out of course.

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POSTED ON Sept 28, 2020 17:16:26 GMT
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Should the opportunity present itself, Billi would touch the hair, or anything that caught his attention. Like a sweet scent that graces your nostrils, but with your hands touching the source. Things that picked at Billi’s brain were kept with pictures and with the obvious tactile moment of being a dweeb about everything he enjoys, like a cat with a yarn ball. Though Oscar didn’t deter him from being friendly, rather he just established boundaries, which made him smile.

“What did you want? Funnell ooh that stuff over there looks cool,” Billi pointed in the direction of some more random stands, getting lost and confused for a moment, perhaps a better term would be, overwhelmed with options. Decisions were rough when there were no negatives to any of them besides not visiting the other one. “Oi where do you think we should go?” he blinked then realized he was already walking towards a random stall.

“there's some cute stuff here!” he walked over once again pulling the stranger with him, the yamper close behind them. The stall had many versions of hats that looked like pokemon. Cute. kiddie cute. But Billi was a child at heart, and purity. “Oh my gosh theres a Yamper one!” Billi quickly reached out to snatch up the hat and pay for it, then he saw some other ones and picked up the half clefable half gengar beanie and put it on the mans head, “SEE looks good! It fits too! Maybe because your hair is white but it’s super cute.”

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POSTED ON Oct 17, 2020 19:13:14 GMT
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You would think by now Oscar would have been prepared to be dragged off by Billi, yet as the oaf grabbed him Oscar would yelp in surprise. His pale skin once again turned bright red, why couldn't this guy keep his hands to himself? His strong--warm hands. Nope! Oscar did not enjoy this, he would not allow himself to. 

They stopped at some sort of hat stand, and as Billi pulled on a Yamper cap Oscar couldn't help but smile. "It suits you." Oscar tried not to let his gaze linger, though he found it difficult. Dumb ol' fool looked adorable in that hat. Not that Oscar would ever admit that out loud. Things took a turn when Billi abruptly placed a hat onto Oscar's head.

Oscar immediately went hot in the face, having things forced upon his physical person always ended up ticking him off. As Billi noted that it made him look cute, Oscar reluctantly looked to his reflection in a nearby mirror. As he stared into the mirror his eyes began to twitch. He indeed looked fucking adorable, and he hated that. Something about looking upon this image made Oscar irrationally upset, to the point that his anger faded and his shoulders slumped.

In the mirror Billi was standing next to him, and together they looked--they looked... Oscar slowly pulled the hat off his head and put it on the table. Without looking at Billi he said, "I need to go. It was nice meeting you." Oscar turned away and walked off. He did not bother to get his bag back, he just wanted to get as far away from here as possible. 

He picked up his pace, weaving through the crowd as not to be followed. As he left the town, he would not look back. 

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